Welcome to the Salomon Research Group


History and Research Interests

The objectives of the group are to exploit emerging proteomic technologies to gain insights into cellular signaling networks important in understanding and treatment of disease, especially in T cells. Secondly, we are interested in the development of bioinformatics tools to gain quantitative and statistical insights from the tremendous amount of data garnered in modern proteomics experiments.

Dr. Salomon did undergraduate studies at Case Western Reserve University, graduate studies at Stanford University with Prof. Chaitan Khosla, and postdoctoral studies at the Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation with Prof. Peter Schultz. He  joined the faculty of Brown University in 2004 as Assistant Professor and later promoted to Associate Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, and Biochemistry (MCB) with tenure in 2011.

Facilities, Resources, and Environment

The Salomon Research Group is based in the Laboratories for Molecular Medicine in the Jewelry disctrict of Providence, RI within 1000 square feet of space at 70 Ship St. The laboratory has access to a brand new Q Exactive Plus in the COBRE NIH-funded, CCRD proteomic core facility that Dr. Salomon directs. This core is located at Lifespan-Rhode Island Hospital adjacent to 70 Ship St. at the CORO building. Also, the lab has access to an Orbitrap Velos ETD, and a Q Exacitve classic which is located in the NSF/EPSCoR proteomic core facility in the same building as the Salomon Lab. Extensive computational resources available both at 70 Ship St. and at the CCRD core include a dedicated 20 terrabyte, RAID-5 data server with automated off-site backup, dedicated Mascot cluster, a custom-made High-Throughput Autonomous Proteomic Platform (HTAPP), and a custom-made relational database called PeptideDepot for the validation and visualization of large quantitative proteomic data sets. At 70 Ship St, the lab also has a dedicated tissue culture facility and access to an extensive barrier mouse facility which includes a transgenic mouse facility. Within the same research building as the Salomon lab are significant resources including an 850 MHz NMR, FACS, X-ray crystallography, and confocal microscopy.